These coat hangers are great whether you are short on space or just like a sleek modern look that folds up and out of the way when it’s not being used.

For this project, you will need some 3/4 inch stock but if all you have are 2×4’s you can still mill these down to size provided that you have a table saw.
• Miter saw
• Drill or preferably drill press
• Clamps
• Roughly 2.5 board ft of wood
• Or one (2 x 4)
• 3/4 inch screws
• Wood glue

Step 1.
Start by ripping down 3/4 by 3/4 material. You are going to need about 90in to be safe.
Step 2.
Rip another 90in of 3/4x 1in material. This doesn’t need to be exact as the design will work regardless.
Step 3.
Set up a stop block on a miter saw or a table saw sled and start cross cutting your 3/4 by 3/4 material to 5 7/8. You will need 16 pieces in total. Take off 45º off of one end once you are done cutting to length being careful not to take off any length

Step 4.
Set your stop block to 12 3/8 and start sitting you 3/4 x 1 in stock. You will need 8 pieces in total.
Step 5.
You will need some material that is 1 7/8 wide, 3/8 thick and 15in long. You will need two of these pieces.

Step 6.
You will need two pieces: 3/4 wide, 1 1/8 thick and 12 3/8 long.

Step 7.
Take a piece of scrap plywood and make a mark with and awl 3/4 away from the edge. Drill with 1/4 in bit.
Take another scrap piece and screw or nail it to the butt end to function as a stop.
Step 8.
Now take a piece of 3/4x 3/4 x 4 5/8 and mark with and awl 3/4in from the bottom and in the center. Line up your awl mark with the jig you just made from plywood and nail or screw two side pieces so that your piece can slide in and out and be lined up in the center.
Step 9.
Use a drill press and your jig to drill holes in all your 4 5/8 long pieces.
Repeat this with one side of your 3/4 x 1 x 12 3/8 pieces
Step 10.
Make a Jig to do the same thing but 5 1/8 from the bottom.
Repeat drilling the other side of your 12 3/8 long pieces.
Step 11.
Thread rod through your pieces alternating long and short on both top and bottom. Glue end caps which are the 3/4 by 1 1/8 pieces to the ends.
Step 12.
Screw the 3/8 thick pieces to the back of your assembly 7/8in down from the top of the hanger pieces on both levels.
Step 13.
Sand everything down and make sure that your piano pieces can move freely and everything is flush and lined up.
If it is not you might have to run everything through the table saw and take of just a hair so that the moving pices are perfectly flush with the top and bottom.