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Free plan! Coffee table/ottoman with storage and AC USB power

Coffee tables are great, but sometimes you want to be able to kick your feet up on something soft and comfy and not a hard surface. That’s where I came up with this coffee table/ottoman combo.

Sometimes you need to make a piece of furniture exactly for the space you have and to serve a very specific purpose.

I find myself working more on the couch than from my desk and it’s always a hassle to try and run a cord all the way across the room to charge my laptop and other devices while I’m working.

My daughter also likes to kick her feet up somewhere comfortable if we are watching a movie so I decided to kill a few birds with one stone and replace the old coffee table I had with a coffee table/ottoman combo that had storage for power cords and that I could plug directly into without having a cord awkwardly running across the floor.

Storage compartment with a simple lift-off lid that sits flush with the tabletop.

AC and USB power

I wanted to have the outlets and USB ports not on the table surface just in case I were to ever spill a drink, I don’t think liquids and electricity generally go well together.

I chose to mount the AC USB on the apron that way it is only visible from the couch side and is easily accessible.

The cord runs directly under the couch and is hardly visible.

I wanted to make use of a bunch of cutoffs that I had so I made a little chaos section from some of the cutoffs but in hindsight, I’m not sure I like the way it came out, I think I had pictured it in my head a little bit differently.

If you want to make your own I have a step by step plan you can download here.

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